Malinsky Memorial Archives

Mission Statement

The Malinsky Memorial Archives is an agency, its purpose being to collect and preserve Lutheran records which are historically significant, especially to the East District of Lutheran Church-Canada, and to promote interest in the history of the
Lutheran Church.

Ownership and Control

The Malinsky Memorial Archives is owned by the East District of Lutheran Church-Canada, under the direction of the Board of Directors of the East District. An Archivist is appointed by the District President for a three-year term following each District Convention. The duty of the Archivist is to provide the day-to-day
care of the Archives.


  • To collect and preserve the historical records of the East District of Lutheran Church-Canada together with records of its auxiliary organizations, such as papers, photographs, films, slides, videos, cassettes and pertinent artifacts.

  • To receive, collect and preserve materials of historical value which help to interpret the history of the Lutheran Church in eastern Canada. Such materials include private collections.

  • To provide assistance to researchers by granting them appropriate space and access to materials in the archives.

  • To encourage interest in the history of the Lutheran Church in eastern Canada by setting up historical displays as opportunities arise.

  • To maintain contact with other archival and historical agencies for the mutual encouragement and benefit of all in the archival community.

Transference and Access to Records

  • All official East District records no longer needed in the office in which they originated shall, unless restricted by privacy laws, be transferred to the Malinsky Memorial Archives according to an agreed upon schedule. Until twenty-five years have passed, they shall not be available for reference without the authorization of the person in charge of the office in which they originated. Thereafter, unless further restrictions are placed on them, they shall be open to legitimate research.

  • The Archives encourages private individuals to donate their own papers or those of others in their possession such as diaries, letters, postcards, documents and artifacts which help interpret Lutheran life in eastern Canada. Unless conditions are placed on private collections to restrict their use for a given period of time, they shall be immediately open to legitimate research.

The Malinsky Memorial Archives
is committed to follow normal archival procedures
in the arrangement and care of all materials
entrusted to its care.

Located adjacent to the, library of
Concordia Lutheran Theological Seminary
at Brock University in St. Catharines, Ontario.

The archival repositories of
Lutheran Church-Canada are:

  • Lutheran Historical Institute , ABC District, Edmonton, Alberta
  • Central District Archives, Central District, Regina, Saskatchewan
  • Malinsky Memorial Archives, East District, St. Catharines, Ontario
  • Concordia Lutheran Theological Seminary Archives, St. Catharines, Ontario

For further information contact:

Mrs. Carol Nagel , Archivist
470 Glenridge Ave.,
St. Catharines, ON L2T 4C3
Phone: 905-685-1651
LCC Logo

Other sources of information:

Archives Advisor's Notebook , an overview of basic resources
A Manual for Small Archives (Archives assoc. of British Columbia)